
Attached is a pdf copy of Ivana’s resume.

Work Experience

Independent Financial Group

Ivana recently took on the role as the Marketing Associate at Independent Financial Group (IFG). IFG is an independent broker-dealer located in San Diego, CA. In this role, she has learned how to write press releases and briefs. This brief will be the foundation for a conference IFG hosts in August with over 600 attendees. She works on websites such as Canva and Mailchimp daily. Ivana actively updates the company’s LinkedIn and consistently thinks of unique ways for IFG to market and differentiate themselves from ways they have become so comfortable with the past twenty years they have been in business.

  • Pangaea Outpost

    Pangaea Outpost

    Pangaea Outpost is a gift shop located in Pacific Beach, CA. It consists of over 60 different small businesses all in one shop. Ivana was promoted to floor manager in June 2020. With this promotion came more responsibility. She was responsible for how presentable the store looked at all times, employees and their tasks and breaks, and all customer service needs. This position taught Ivana management skills with time and other employees, leadership skills, customer service skills, and how to consistently be reliable. She left this position and job in February 2022.

  • Sardinas Italian Restaurant

    Sardinas Italian Restaurant and Bar

    Sardina's Italian Restaurant opened in 1970 by Ivana’s great grandparents. Her great grandparents came from a small town called Aspra in Sicily, Italy. They arrived in San Diego with hopes for a better life. They opened up what became their family legacy. Ivana began working at the family restaurant in July of 2020 where she was a waitress. Working here was a very rewarding job for Ivana because she works alongside some of her family members while keeping alive the work of their great-grandparents. She also gets to meet some customers who have been eating at the restaurant since the beginning and even knew her great grandparents, who Ivana unfortunately was never able to meet. This job has taught her how to be a team player while working quickly and efficiently with others. Ivana left this position and job in October 2022.

USD Clubs

Rhythmic Reggae Show Poster

USD Radio

Ivana became a member of the University of San Diego’s radio club in her first year of college. During her first two years in this club, she hosted her own radio show called “Rhythmic Reggae” where she played different types of reggae music, and gave some information on reggae artists and the history of reggae for one hour once a week. To the left is a picture of the show’s advertisement that would be posted weekly to social media. Ivana also wrote music related articles such as artists review, album reviews, concert reviews, and music video reviews for the school’s radio website. During her third year of college she took on the role as Program Director for USD Radio. Ivana worked alongside two other classmates during the COVID year to produce content for the radio’s website and social media weekly. She also helped all participants in the club with their tasks. She built relationships with local and student artists.

American Marketing Association

American Marketing Association

Ivana joined the American Marketing Association during her first year at the University of San Diego. The American Marketing Association is a professional marketing association containing members worldwide. As a part of the club she attends meetings where she is able to learn about all the different opportunities in marketing as well as network and make many different connections. This club has been a crucial part of Ivana’s marketing experience at USD and where she has learned the most about this job field.

Volunteer Experience

  • Urban Corps Tutor

    Urban Corps Tutor

    During Ivana’s second year at the University she took a class called US Immigration History. In this class, she was presented with the opportunity to volunteer for a company called Urban Corps Tutor. Urban Corps provides young adult immigrants between the ages of 18-26 to receive a high school education while providing them with paid jobs. Ivana worked in a classroom for algebra. This was a very fun experience for her. Ivana loves algebra, she loved the teacher she worked with, and she loved all the students. Every student was polite and respectful and always wanted to learn more. They also challenged Ivana to try to learn new languages with them, as all of the students came from different backgrounds and cultures.

  • Therapeutic Recreation Service Camp Picture of Ivana and Justin

    Therapeutic Recreation Services

    Therapeutic Recreation Services (TRS) provides opportunities for people of all ages with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities. Ivana volunteered at summer camps and various activities throughout the year in all of her time in high school. She would work with participants, either one-on-one or in small groups, to engage in recreational or leisure activities. She helped participants work toward social and cognitive goals. TRS has been something that will always hold a special place in Ivana’s heart. She still keeps in touch with participants at these summer camps. Watching the participants smile and feel accomplished was the most rewarding feeling. Pictured above is one of her favorite participants, Justin, and Ivana in 2014.